Taylor Legal recently represented a client in an
administrative appeal of a negative employment action imposed by the Howard
County Public School System. Through a
careful review of the client’s personnel record and detailed meetings with the
client to review the facts of the case, a considered, respectful argument was
presented to the Superintendent’s designee explaining why the employment action
was unfair – it was retaliatory and a potential violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA). The action against the employee was rescinded.
Employment discrimination cases can be difficult to argue
and even more difficult to win. The
facts need to support that the employer’s motivation was legally improper. Unfortunately, employers often can articulate
non-discriminatory reasons for a negative employment action (poor review,
suspension, termination, or other discipline), so it can be complicated to
parse out and prove an illegal motivation.
However, following in-depth discussion and review with a client, an
attorney can hopefully get to the heart of the matter and establish a narrative
that shows that an employer was acting in a harassing, retaliatory, and/or
discriminatory manner.
The legal requirements for employment cases cannot be generalized
because they depend in large part on the particular contractual rights of the
employee. Some employer behaviors,
however, are simply not permitted, for example racial, gender or age
discrimination or violations of the ADA.
When claiming discrimination, a current or former employee typically has
the burden of proof and, as an initial matter, must make a basic showing that
there is reason to believe that an illegal act has occurred. For example, the employee may be a member of
a racial minority and was terminated or may be over the age of 50 and was not
hired for a job he or she was qualified for.
The employer can counter the employee's claims by establishing that the
employer had a non-discriminatory reason for making the contested employment
decision – the terminated employee was incompetent; the non-hired applicant was
competing against individuals with more impressive credentials. The employee then has the opportunity to show
that the employer’s defense is pretextual, a rouse to cover a truly illegal
motive – the terminated employee was consistently evaluated as superior; the
person hired instead of the older applicant did not have more extensive
When dealing with harassment or retaliation, it may be
critical to show a pattern of behavior or a suspect motive to undermine any
argument that an employer may make about the validity of a negative action.
All cases are very fact-specific and very much depend on a
detailed development of events and behaviors.
Typically, when a government agency is the employer, after an initial review by the supervisor of the employee or prospective employee, the next step is an appeal to an agency

representative, for example the University President or the COO of a school system. If that appeal is unsuccessful, there may be additional levels within the agency to appeal to or an outside appeal to the State Office of Administrative Hearings or the Circuit Court may be appropriate. It depends on the specifics of the employer's contract and the agency's rules and regulations. EEOC or local watchdog agency involvement (like the Howard County Office for Human Rights) are also possible, sometimes necessary steps. When feasible, attorney assistance at the earliest stage is preferable, to ensure that no deadlines are missed and that the fullest record is created for appeal.